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研究室发表论文入选Biomedical Optics Express 2014年11月份 Top

作者:admin    发布时间:2014-12-29 06:22:00    浏览量:1303次
       据来自于美国光学学会(Optical Society of America, OSA)出版的生物医学光学领域旗舰期刊Biomedical Optics Express的最新消息,研究室宋亮与郑炜课题组的科研骨干宋伟等于1111日发表于该期刊的论文  “Reflection-mode in vivo photoacoustic microscopy with subwavelength lateral resolution” [亚波长分辨率反射式活体光声显微技术],受到国际相关领域研究人员的广泛关注,入选该期刊11月份Top Downloads(最多下载量前十位)。


View Top Downloads from November 2014

Stay current on the latest research by reviewing the most downloaded articles in November from OSA’sBiomedical Optics Express. Biomedical Optics Express is an open-access journal so the articles below are freely accessible.


Call for Editors-in-Chief Nominations

The OSA Board of Editors welcomes nominations for the following Editor-in-Chief positions with three-year terms to begin 1 January 2016: Biomedical Optics Express and Optical Materials Express. Nominations and self-nominations in the form of a short note of recommendation or a cover letter summarizing the nominee's qualifications should be sent to the attention of Martijn de Sterke (University of Sydney and Chair, OSA Board of Editors) at odp@osa.org by 1 February 2015. Read more.

Recently Published: Topics in Biomedical Optics from OSA’s BIOMED 2014 Conference Feature Issue


Adaptive optics optical coherence tomography at 1 MHz
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5 Issue 12, pp.4186-4200 (2014)

Kocaoglu, Omer P; Turner, Timothy L; Liu, Zhuolin; Miller, Donald T


Image acquisition speed of optical coherence tomography (OCT) remains a fundamental barrier that limits its scientific and clinical utility. Here we demonstrate a novel multi-camera adaptive optics (AO-)OCT system for ophthalmologic use that operates at 1 million A-lines/s at a wavelength of 790 nm...


3D high-density localization microscopy using hybrid astigmatic/ biplane imaging and sparse image reconstruction
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5 Issue 11, pp.3935-3948 (2014)

Min, Junhong; Holden, Seamus J; Carlini, Lina; Unser, Michael; Manley, Suliana; Ye, Jong Chul


Localization microscopy achieves nanoscale spatial resolution by iterative localization of sparsely activated molecules, which generally leads to a long acquisition time. By implementing advanced algorithms to treat overlapping point spread functions (PSFs), imaging of densely activated molecules...


Three-dimensional motion correction using speckle and phase for in vivo computed optical interferometric tomography
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5 Issue 12, pp.4131-4143 (2014)

Shemonski, Nathan D; Ahn, Shawn S; Liu, Yuan-Zhi; South, Fredrick A; Carney, P Scott; Boppart, Stephen A


Over the years, many computed optical interferometric techniques have been developed to perform high-resolution volumetric tomography. By utilizing the phase and amplitude information provided with interferometric detection, post-acquisition corrections for defocus and optical aberrations can be...


A compact Airy beam light sheet microscope with a tilted cylindrical lens
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5 Issue 10, pp.3434-3442 (2014)

Yang, Zhengyi; Prokopas, Martynas; Nylk, Jonathan; Coll-Lladó, Clara; Gunn-Moore, Frank J; Ferrier, David E K; Vettenburg, Tom; Dholakia, Kishan


Light-sheet imaging is rapidly gaining importance for imaging intact biological specimens. Many of the latest innovations rely on the propagation-invariant Bessel or Airy beams to form an extended light sheet to provide high resolution across a large field of view. Shaping light to realize...


Three-dimensional phantoms for curvature correction in spatial frequency domain imaging
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 3 Issue 6, pp.1200-1214 (2012)

Nguyen, Thu T A; Le, Hanh N D; Vo, Minh; Wang, Zhaoyang; Luu, Long; Ramella-Roman, Jessica C


The sensitivity to surface profile of non-contact optical imaging, such as spatial frequency domain imaging, may lead to incorrect measurements of optical properties and consequently erroneous extrapolation of physiological parameters of interest. Previous correction methods have focused on...


Modified Beer-Lambert law for blood flow
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5 Issue 11, pp.4053-4075 (2014)

Baker, Wesley B; Parthasarathy, Ashwin B; Busch, David R; Mesquita, Rickson C; Greenberg, Joel H; Yodh, A G


We develop and validate a Modified Beer-Lambert law for blood flow based on diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) measurements. The new formulation enables blood flow monitoring from temporal intensity autocorrelation function data taken at single or multiple delay-times. Consequentially, the...


High-resolution, lensless endoscope based on digital scanning through a multimode optical fiber
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 4 Issue 2, pp.260-270 (2013)

Papadopoulos, Ioannis N; Farahi, Salma; Moser, Christophe; Psaltis, Demetri


We propose and experimentally demonstrate an ultra-thin rigid endoscope (450 μm diameter) based on a passive multimode optical fiber. We use digital phase conjugation to overcome the modal scrambling of the fiber to tightly focus and scan the laser light at its distal end. By exploiting...


Noninvasive in vivo glucose sensing on human subjects using mid-infrared light
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5 Issue 7, pp.2397-2404 (2014)

Liakat, Sabbir; Bors, Kevin A; Xu, Laura; Woods, Callie M; Doyle, Jessica; Gmachl, Claire F


Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser spectroscopy is used to noninvasively predict blood glucose concentrations of three healthy human subjects in vivo. We utilize a hollow-core fiber based optical setup for light delivery and collection along with a broadly tunable quantum cascade laser to obtain...


Multiplexed coded illumination for Fourier Ptychography with an LED array microscope
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5 Issue 7, pp.2376-2389 (2014)

Tian, Lei; Li, Xiao; Ramchandran, Kannan; Waller, Laura


Fourier Ptychography is a new computational microscopy technique that achieves gigapixel images with both wide field of view and high resolution in both phase and amplitude. The hardware setup involves a simple replacement of the microscope’s illumination unit with a programmable LED array...


Reflection-mode in vivo photoacoustic microscopy with subwavelength lateral resolution
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Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5 Issue 12, pp.4235-4241 (2014)

Song, Wei; Zheng, Wei; Liu, Ruimin; Lin, Riqiang; Huang, Hongtao; Gong, Xiaojing; Yang, Shousheng; Zhang, Rui; Song, Liang


We developed a reflection-mode subwavelength-resolution photoacoustic microscopy system capable of imaging optical absorption contrast in vivo. The simultaneous high-resolution and reflection-mode imaging capacity of the system was enabled by delicately configuring a miniature high-frequency...