韩国浦项科技大学Chulhong Kim教授于2024年11月16号应中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院刘成波研究员邀请,到访光声成像实验室交流。同时做题为:“Multi-modal Imaging: Photoacoustic Imaging Plus More”的学术报告。
Chulhong Kim is currently Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering, Converged IT Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea, Director of the Medical Device Innovation Center at Pohang University of Science and Technology and Opticho Inc. Chief Executive Officer of... PhD and postdoctoral fellow, Washington University, St. Louis, USA. He has been engaged in the research of biomedical photonics, photoacoustic imaging system and medical device innovation for a long time. He has published 152 peer-reviewed articles in journals and has received several awards, including the IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecturer Award and the Young Scientist Achievement Award. He is currently editor of Photoacoustics Journal, Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Feature editor of IEEE ACCESS and Scientific Reports, Applied Editorial board member of Science, Sensors and other journals.